Tuesday, February 4, 2014

    Oh, devil, devil!
If that the earth could teem with woman’s tears,
Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile.
Out of my sight!
OTHELLO act 4, scene 1


     Oh boy things heated up in the kourtroom today!! Check this out as reported in trusty p.r. rag L.A. School Report.  My comments, snarky and otherwise will be in bold.


Vergara hears moving testimony from oft-dismissed teacher

Bhavini Bhakta
Bhavini Bhakta
A stunning silence fell over the courtroom today when Bhavini Bhakta, the first teacher to testify in the Vergara v California trial, described the impact of the state’s current teacher dismissal and seniority laws.  Spare us the purple prose, anyone who's been in court knows that silence is maintained at all times. 
An award-winning educator with two master’s degrees, she recounted how despite her success, the warm embrace of her students and the appreciation of their parents, she was laid off five times in nine years at three different Los Angeles area schools only because she was junior to other teachers.   How and who defines success for you Ms B.?  Master's degrees are a dime a dozen, mine didn't matter when Mr. Deasy decided to fire teachers my age. 
“No matter how hard I worked, none of it mattered,” she said, wiping away tears.
Boo hoo.  That's how it is for senior teachers.  We're told that nothing we do is right and that we're not following directives although none of our questions are answered.  I wonder if crying might have helped?
 “All that mattered was my hiring date. You’re not even a person, it’s not anything you do; it’s just the hire date that matters. I was just a number, not a person, and that’s not easy.”
Ah but sweet, innocent Ms B. that's how it is for senior teachers.   Nothing matters but our hire date,other than gender, age, race, ethnicity, skin color, fashion choices, sexual orientation- perceived or expressed, shoe size, religion or lack thereof and disability.   Now that I think about it I bet you're not innocent, I bet you're paid one way or the other to testify in this way. 
Bhakta’s testimony gave an emotional lift to the Vergara plaintiffs, who are trying to show that state laws on teacher seniority, dismissal and tenure protect ineffective teachers at the expense of younger ones and deny children a constitutional right to a quality education.  WHOOP THERE IT IS!!!  "Protect ineffective teachers at the expense of younger ones..."   False dichotomy rears its ugly head.  You haven't really described "ineffective" and you set it against "younger" thereby  tipping your hand.  Who says that younger are "more effective,"?
As defendants, the California Teachers Association, California Federation of Teachers and the state are claiming that the laws don’t interfere with the way district administrators deal with ineffective teachers.
The 2009 teacher of the year at Broadoaks Elementary School in Monrovia, Bhakta told the court that she switched majors in college after tutoring kids, saying she fell in love with the profession.

When questioned by plaintiff’s attorney Kyle Withers as to her time in three different public school systems, she described a series of checkerboard moves, layoffs and rehires that seemed to occur almost every year. Whether hired back or not, she testified that every time she received a pink slip, she felt as if she lost her job.  Huh?  They happened or they didn't.  They can't "seem to happen."  Girlie girl,  people lose jobs, did you think that this would never happen to you?
     This next part will be dismembered as a whole.
She further said the seniority statue “destroys morale” at schools and turns teachers against each other. 
“It destroys the sense of community at any school,” she said. “And I’ve witnessed it.”
State Deputy Attorney Charles Antonen had the unenviable job of cross examination. He attempted to show that Bhakta only lost her job once, despite multiple notices, because she was rehired when openings came up just before school started.
But in her final minutes, back under friendly questioning from Withers, she concluded, “At the end of the day, it’s the kids who suffer. That’s who gets burned, the kids.”
      What is morale, what is a sense of community at a school, who defines it and why is she testifying at all?  Is she an authority, an expert witness?  Will she tell us how this happens?  How does it turn teachers against each other?  What you really mean is that you feel you deserve a job because you are young beautiful and have joined up with the privateers.  What about a school where the principal has his/her favorites who get the goodies while the rest are left to wonder what happened?  Do you think the kids suffer because they have to look at someone who is as old as your mother and not someone young and beautiful?

     Let's see if the fix is in.  This crap doesn't rise to the level of proof in court.   If  judge Rolf Treu decides for the plaintiffs then the result was predetermined.

      A post on February 1st, 2014, titled "Silicon Valley Zillionaire Funds Attack on Due Process for Teachers," describes the current maudlin melodrama that is Vergara v California.  Our own guerita and sister-in-arms Charlotte Vrooman made some important points.  I'll comment in bold.

Charlotte Vrooman
Not only “bad” teachers lost their jobs. A huge proportion of those departed teachers were over 50, I’m talking about 90%. Also disproportionate numbers of disabled teachers, teachers of color, LGBT teachers and especially those close to earning life-time health benefits and those at the top of the pay scale. I was one of them and I attended many meetings and heard their stories. The local media is in the pocket of the “billionaire and millionaire philanthropists” as they are reverently referred to. In 2004 the financial whiz kids at LAUSD came up with a study claiming that the district would go bankrupt paying the pensions of all the baby boomer retirees. As a result the campaign of degradation and harassment began, accelerated under Superintendent Cortines (for his back story Google him she means for the juicy bits involving "adult activities"), and really picked up steam under Superintendent Deasey. The latter claims that to get a teacher dismissed costs the district up to $400,000. Hundreds have been hounded into retiring or resigning costing the district nothing. He says he got rid of (dismissed) 200 last school year. If the costs were what he claimed, that would be up to $80 million. The math is absurd. Of course in a district where $1 billion for iPads is seen as reasonable, maybe the $80 million is seen as chump change.
     Charlotte speaks the truth. 
  • Charlotte Vrooman is a friend and a cellmate of mine in LAUSD teacher jail. For news and information on our struggle check out UNJUSTLY JAILED LAUSD TEACHERS group on facebook. A lot more of the disgusting details will be posted in the near future so add us to your bookmarks.

    I’ll do my best to publicize the dirty dealings in the LAUSD as it works to rid itself of senior career teachers. I won’t spare our union, UTLA which has done nothing for us up to now.
    This fight concerns all career teachers nationwide.

     Then this comment from someone else sympathetic to our plight.

And Deasy can waste millions of taxpayer dollars….but he’s protected. Any other CEO would have been fired. But since Deasy is in the pocket of the Reform Movement, he’s an asset.

 Michael P Dominguez
Actually that’s part of his backers’ plan. Drive the district into bankruptcy, loot the employee health care trust fund, eliminate the union and the Collective Bargaining Agreement, then steal more by way of bankruptcy court. I can’t forget to mention the real estate that can then be had at bargain (for them) prices through bankruptcy. When it’s all over the huge district will be split into smaller districts based upon income and race. Nineteenth century here we come!!!

     This last point is of utmost importance.  This is not just about lowering the payroll costs in the LAUSD, it is about destroying it and dividing it up.  Soon we'll be living in HAITI on the Pacific.